After watching Sound of Music for what might be the 1,375th time — during Maria’s lament about her favorite things, I got to thinking about mine…then I thought, well wouldn’t this be a great blog entry!
These are my favorite and I hope you will try them out and see exactly why! Hopefully they will become your favorites, too!
1. Burts Bees Facial Towelettes
I keep these bad boys in my car, in my kit, and in my bathroom. Their fresh scent is so refreshing and so the feeling I get after using them. After I leave the gym, long day setting up for an event, and even when I have just been sending emails they are the perfect pick me up!

2. Leopard
If I hadn’t been born in the south, my husband would swear that I was straight out of “Jerseylicious”! I have a leopard section in my closet, make-up bags, belts, shoes, scarves, sunglasses, pencils, stapler and tape dispenser.
I just love flare…and if you know me well, you know that I refer to leopard as my favorite color!
A close second is sequins and glitter…they too have their own section…
3. Body by Vi Shakes
Every morning, I wake up and mix up this delicious shake. I have been drinking them for almost 6 months now because before, I wasn’t really eating breakfast. Now — I have this nutritious drink that not only is filled with vitamins but it tastes like a milk shake from McDonalds. When I go on vacation, I bring a bag with me. No lie, I really don’t know how I could start my day by NOT drinking my Vi Shake!

4. My Navy Longchamp
Last August I traveled to Ireland with my family to celebrate my Fathers retirement. When I was shopping in Dublin I stumbled upon a shop that sold Longchamp purses. I have been wanting one for years and the price was right! So after much deliberation & with my mothers guidance — I chose navy. I take it every where with me. It is the perfect size for my portfolio when I go to consultations and fits everything needed when I travel!
5. My Glue Gun: Do we really need an explanation as to why this made the list?
6. Pink Chiffon Lotion
— Bath and Body Works
My sweet friend Krystal Blase, owner of Westhouse Photography, has me hooked on the Pink Chiffon scent from Bath and Body Works. It is the perfect sweet and fresh perfume that will take you through every season! Plus — how cute is the packaging? Granted, I am a sucker for good marketing…frilly, girly, sparkly, shiny, I’m buying it.

7. My Woozie – wine koozie
Again, this shouldn’t take much of an explanation. If you haven’t heard of one of these beauties or if you don’t own one — you do not know what you are missing! Go to your nearest Total Wine and pick one up TODAY!!
It will change your entire wine drinking experience!
8. Audiobooks
I have to admit it. I am pretty sure there is an old lady trapped in my body. I LOVE to listen to audiobooks.
Whenever I am in the car, working out, or cleaning my house, I just turn my iTunes to my “listening channel”. It is so much fun being able to read (which I love to do but don’t have time to sit and read) and still be productive!
My favorites so far, Girl with the Dragon Tattoo series, Insurgent, Hunger Games, Maze Runner, and… Fifty Shades…

9. Soy Venti Starbucks Doubleshot
My friends always make fun of me when they ask my order from Starbucks. Well, it really isn’t difficult to make it is just a word-full to repeat 🙂 My favorite drink is not even on their menu anymore but if you have a great barista like mine at the Starbucks on Southside and Gate Parkway (whoop whoop) they don’t give me the sideways glance as if to say, are you sure you want 5 shots of espresso? Yes. I want 5 shots and if it is going to be a long day I want you to make it 6. Don’t judge me. I survive on caffeine.
10. Monograms
Every good Southern girl knows that your towels, iPhone cover, floppy hat, sheets, wine glasses, car decals, jewelry, stationary, serving platters, are NOTHING without a monogram. I just stumbled upon this site: and I have to admit. I am OBSESSED! Their prices are great and so creative! You can pretty much get anything!
I adore you. I might have to try the Body by Vi shakes and I will definitely pick up some Burt's Bees Towelettes! 🙂 xoxo!