Every week, check out the Dairing Details Blog as we announce the upcoming Key-note speakers for the Dairing Bride Academy. Each session is considered a “Period” of the day, just like when we were in school, it is a Bridal Academy after all!!
School is in Session!
Register now, by clicking {HERE}
This week, meet Lauren Grove! We are so honored to have this acclaimed Wedding Blogger {and Wedding Professional} as a part of this Educational Bridal Workshop as educating Brides is a passion of hers as well! To get to know Lauren a little more, here is our DBA Vendor Highlight Interview. Make sure to register now for The Dairing Bride Academy to hear her speak on the dreaded “6 Letter Word” – Budget! How to make one and stick to it!
2nd Period: “Talking Budgets with Lauren Grove of Every Last Detail”

1. Where were you working before you started Every Last Detail?
Before even getting into weddings, I was actually a receptionist at a dentist’s office. It was during that time that I started working with an event decor and design company to gain experience in the wedding industry.
While working there, I started Every Last Detail, not even knowing what it would turn into!
2. What sites or blogs do you find yourself visiting daily?
I visit many of my fellow blogger friends’ sites daily, including Glamour & Grace, Mountainside Bride, Style Unveiled, and many more. I actually have a list on Twitter of all of them that anyone can see and follow as well.
3. What is your favorite Wedding Trend and which trend would you love to see left behind?
My favorite wedding trend isn’t really a trend at all- it’s when couples design their weddings to reflect themselves. It could be a theme or details, or even just a location and vibe. No matter what though, the best weddings are always ones that reflect the couple. As for a trend that I’d love to see left behind… it sounds awful, but anything that is “all over Pinterest”. There are a select few “trends” that are constantly being perpetuated, and I’d love to see couples just draw their inspiration from themselves, not necessarily replicating others.
4. When you aren’t typing away perfecting the latest on Every Last Detail, what are you up to?
Every Last Detail takes up just about all my time, but my husband recently began a chiropractic practice, so I’ve been there helping him also. Needless to say, I don’t have much free time anymore!
5. If you could give one piece of advice to a Bride, what would it be?
Oh wow- so many pieces of advice to choose from! Overall though, my advice would be to hire professionals. When you hire professionals, so many potential issues can be avoided and taken care of for you.
6. What should the Brides be most looking forward to during your “Lesson” at the Dairing Bride Academy?
I don’t really sugar coat much of anything when it comes to weddings, so you can look forward to the straight facts from my lesson at the Dairing Bride Academy!
Do not hesitate & register now for The Dairing Bride Academy while “Early Bird Bride” tickets are at a special discounted rate + you get a FREE {I’m a Dairing Bride} tank top! This is going to be THE event to attend in Jacksonville for all Bride’s to Be – you don’t want to miss it!