Each week, I will be introducing the amazing vendors & speakers that will be “Teaching” at The Dairing Bride Academy. Each expert is one of Jacksonville’s Premier Wedding Vendors and have a wealth of knowledge to share with the Brides in attendance!
Because it is an “Educational Workshop” each session will be a “Period” of the day, just like when we were in school!
Without further ado, Class is in Session!
Register now, by clicking {HERE}
1st Period: What is a Dairing Bride?
with Adair Currie of Dairing Events
Tell us a little about You & Your Company!
{obviously, it’s me Adair 🙂 But this is how each interview will start}
I have been a Wedding Planner & Coordinator now for almost four years! Owning Dairing Events is a neverending creative force that I battle every night as I try to sleep. I will wake up and feverishly write down ideas on a notepad laying on my bedside table just to make sure that I do not forget once the sunshine streams through my window! Over these four amazing years, I have helped close to 100 Brides create the wedding of their dreams. Being able to stay creative, inventive, and imaginative is such a blessing! I really have my dream job and I wouldn’t want to do anything else! That was until…
How did you come up with The Dairing Bride Academy?
There have been many times where a Bride has come to me, usually in the middle or end of their planning and realized that they need a Wedding Coordinator. It is then that they notice there are holes left in their planning process, their budgets are shot because they didn’t have an outline before they started signing contracts, and worst of all, they chose to save money in areas by hiring family members and then the family members don’t come through. It is so sad to hear the anxiety rising in their voices, I can tell that the stress is getting to them. One thing I have always told my brides is that “planning your wedding should be fun, so let me take the stress from you!”
These are just a few of the reasons why I developed The Dairing Bride Academy. Unfortunately, I cannot be each Bride’s full time planner or even their planner at all. Depending on my availability and their budget, it’s just not possible, and I HATE saying “no” to a Bride in need. Which is why The Dairing Bride Academy will give more brides the opportunity to have the “Dairing Experience” and be a “Dairing Bride” whether they have a wedding planner or not, this workshop is designed to guide them through the key components of planning a wedding, putting them in front of Jacksonville’s Top Wedding Professionals, allowing them the one-on-one interactions, lively Q & A after each session, and an intimate-boutique environment with the cap of 50 attendees.
Who should come to The Dairing Bride Academy?
The Dairing Bride Academy is open to ALL BRIDES in Northeast Florida, Jacksonville, St. Augustine, and surrounding areas. Newly engaged, lost in planning, or need just a little more guidance, this workshop is great for Brides who are in the beginning stages or in the middle of planning the Wedding of their Dreams!
How do you register for the Event?
Registration is now open for “Early Bird Brides”! The ticket pricing is $125 which includes the full day session, three meals and drinks, an exclusive Dairing Goodie Bag {valued at over $150}, and MORE! For registering early, you will receive a FREE “I’m a Dairing Bride” tank top!
Brides, you have until May 6th to purchase the discounted ticket for The Dairing Bride Academy! After May 6th, the prices will go up!!
To get your ticket, check out this link:
For more information on The Dairing Bride Academy: