During the holidays, my heart goes out to the families and children in need. This year, I want to focus on a special cause that hits very close to home for me. When our daughter was born, she was transported to the Wolfson NICU and stayed there for close to five days. I was finally able to visit her, after being discharged 28 hours later, and rode the elevator to the NICU floor of Wolfson’s Children’s Hospital. Although she is absolutely perfect and we only had to spend a short time there, when I left, it was the babies that were still there who have never left my heart.
The truth is, many may not leave, but all of them deserve a special Christimas surprise.
That is why I have been working with the Child Life Specialist to come up with a ‘wish-list’ to donate to some of the kiddos in need. This is not mandatory at all, but I would love to see us team up as we all have more than enough and gift to the ones that are sometimes forgotten about.
If you wanted to just donate via Venmo or Paypal, I would be happy to go and shop on your behalf. (@adair-currie on Venmo, my paypal is adair.currie@gmail.com)
You names will be added to a card and given to the office when everything is dropped off. The gifts do not need to be wrapped.
*All toys must be NEW and they cannot accept stuffed animals*
Here are just a few ideas from the CLS:

(here is an example) can be used for a few of the older babies that are in cribs; they aren’t able to be attached to the giraffe beds or the isolates.

(shop here)
that can then have small baby toys attached to them are great. The toys to be hung on the links should be colorful and engaging for the babies to look at and can be musical.
Music boxes

(Shop this style)
If it is in your heart to give, know that it will put a smile on these babies faces.
Starting MONDAY, December 11th, there will be a box in the Showroom at Luxe Party Rentals. Their hours of operations are 9am – 5pm Monday – Friday.
10263 Beach Blvd, Jacksonville, FL 32246
Please feel free to reach out to me directly, Adair Currie 904-347-8746