Even today, having been home for almost two weeks, I am still pinching myself.
Dairing Events planned a wedding in Paris.

A little over a year ago, Nick and I had the most romantic vacation a girl could ever dream of. We went to Paris, my dream city. I have always been in love with Paris, but it has been a long distance relationship.
Before we left, I contacted Lindsey of PicTours Paris to document our trip with photographs of us in front of some of the best sights and monuments. Lindsey is just amazing at what she does and as a treat, her husband, Chef Justin, prepared a picnic for us to enjoy at the base of the Eiffel Tower.
{see to the left}
It was such a memorable time and the pictures are the best souvenirs we could have asked for!
To understand how Dairing Events went International, you needed to know that story. So, how in my wildest dreams did that happen?
My Bride Eve contacted Lindsey last year when she was looking for photographers. In that same conversation Eve asked her about Wedding Planners, as the ones she had reached out to in Paris were unresponsive. Lindsey told her that she did not work too closely with many Planners but, {here it comes} she did have a previous client in the states who is a Wedding Planner and would LIVE to have an opportunity to plan a wedding in Paris!
yes. she. did.
Eve emailed me soon after that and the rest is history! We worked together for close to 8 months, planning every little detail. Granted, finding the venue was the first obstacle and the language barrier was the second. It was not easy planning a wedding from Florida to Paris, but boy oh boy was it worth every second!
Follow my daily Instagram feed photos to see a day in the life of “#DairinginParis”
On Tuesday I met with Eve & Tim for a wine tasting of the selection that would be served at their wedding. It was also the first time I met Eve in person! We had met over skype many times, countless phone calls and emails, but it was so great to finally see her and be able to hug my beautiful bride-to-be!
It was also the first time I was able to see the inside of the venue, we had done a good bit of research before selecting Maison des Polytechniciens but believe me, pictures do not do it justice!
The ceiling is what took my breath away! The detail of the little gold lattice and edging is just so exquisite.
Throughout the city of Paris there are many little local flower shops. This one was a couple blocks away from our flat. I could not believe how tall the stems were!! Just to give you a fair comparison, I am 5’7!
Everyday I would pick up another bouquet {or 5} and bring them back home. This was Tuesday’s haul; 70 stems of Peonies!! I also bought a bucket from this floral shop to carry them the 3 miles I had to walk home. If you have ever been to Paris, you know that Parisians “walk hard” meaning, they don’t really smile, get to where they are going, much like New Yorkers. Well, as I was walking down the St. Germain with these babies, people would stop, compliment the beautiful blooms, and best of all smile.
I thought to myself the whole time, I feel at home here.
European weddings are polar opposites of American ones. The biggest difference is that they don’t do rehearsals! So we had to improvise and host our wedding rehearsal in front of the Eiffel Tower. Angie met us there and brought sandwiches plus macarons for the Bride, Groom, and their guests who later took a doubledecker night bus tour!
This was my bedroom. The windows were open every day, to let in the cool breeze and for me to hear the hustle and bustle of the city. There were 5 buckets in total at the end of the week. Filled with peonies, freesia, garden roses, hyacinth, and spray roses! I wish that there was a scratch and sniff technology on my screen. I felt like I was waking up in a flower field every day!
Then the weekend came! Saturday I spent the majority of the day, designing these centerpieces as well as the bouquets!
We called an Uber Van to take us to the venue. I can only imagine what the locals thought of me waiting on the corner with all these flowers, suitcases, and linen bags!
Here are some of the pictures I took or borrowed from the #eveandtimwed on Instagram! Enjoy!
This was one of my favorites!
It was such a dream to not only be in my favorite city, but to help Eve & Tim celebrate the beginning of their forever. I know that it was everything that they could have ever hoped for, from the smallest detail to their last dance!
Thank you for allowing me to be a part of it! It was a week I will not soon forget.
Until next time Paris, Au Revoir!